Hey, I am Roselie.

Olaalaa Ltd is a company that was started in 2019. I am the heartbeat and hard work behind the brand. I started the company out of a quest to find suitable skin care products to heal, nourish, soothe and protect my dry feet, youngest son’s skin and also to fulfill my heart’s desire of achieving a clear and even skin tone and then ditch the foundation.

Our Belief at Olaalaa

We believe that what you put inside your body is just as important as what you put on your body. When we are in balance with our internal and external self; our skin will glow, we become stronger and also both our emotional and spiritual well being become healthy too.

Our Mission

Our mission and goal is to enhance ours and your well being through quality natural products which are handmade / crafted with Mother Nature’s true ingredients to nourish, soothe, heal and protect the skin.

Our Commitment

We are committed to creating and providing quality natural skincare products utilising the best ingredients from trustworthy sources. We believe proven and honesty results are the best way to gain trust and to build up life long relationships. The ingredients listed on our site and labels are what the product contains. There is nothing mysterious or complicated about our products. They are made of what you need and none of what you do not need. If we list “VEGAN” then that’s what it is and if we say “ORGANIC” then that’s what we are dishing out. No hidden agenda here at Olaalaa. To help you make the best decision for yourself and family we give you all the details as required.

We source the highest quality plant oils, butters and essential oils and combine them with our simple recipes and long-established techniques to create our skincare. All ingredients (natural and synthetic) are clearly listed on the products page and product labels.

We adopt a handmade small batch process, making at most 10 – 20 products per batch. This allows for hand-craft, attention to detail and reduced waste. All products are packaged in-house using recyclable or reusable containers, avoiding wasteful packaging.

We source the highest quality plant oils, butters and essential oils and combine them with our simple recipes and long-established techniques to create our skincare products. All ingredients (natural and synthetic) are clearly listed on the products page and product labels.

We adopt a handmade small batch process, making at most 20 products per batch. This allows for hand-craft, attention to detail and reduced waste. All products are packaged in-house using recyclable or reusable containers, avoiding wasteful packaging.

Our Values

Handmade in Scotland

Cruelty free


We do not test on animals

We make a very strong effort to support charities, fair trade and sustainable businesses whenever possible.

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